Why we give
By contributing to what Gospel Tabernacle is doing in our community and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the good news of Jesus by serving others.
We give not because we have to, but because God first gave to us, and we do so with a joyful heart and generous spirit. Doing so ends up benefitting us far more than it costs us.
Tithes and Offerings
Tithing is bringing the first 10 percent of our income back to God. It’s a way to worship God by showing Him that we trust His promises. It’s also a way to protect our hearts from greed. By bringing back to God what is rightfully His, we remind ourselves that everything we have comes from Him.
Leviticus 27:32, Malachi 3:10, Proverbs 3:9
Offerings are any gifts we give over and above the tithe. As we understand how generous God is to us, we’ll find ourselves wanting to be more and more generous toward Him.
Ways to give

Giving online is simple and secure. You can give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.
To Give Now, simply click the "Next Steps" button located in the lower right of your screen. In the menu, simply click on "Give".
In Person

Giving in person is an easy way to give using check or cash. Giving envelopes are available at the entrance of the auditorium to help you give to a specific fund and track your giving.
To give, simply place your gift in the offering bucket during the offering portion of any service.
By Mail

Giving by mail is an easy way to give using check (do not mail cash). To give, simply mail your check to the address below.
Giving Address
Gospel Tabernacle
420 US-6
Coudersport, PA 16915